Unlocking Potential​

Catalytic Investment Partnerships​

Whole of Solutions Play​

Welcome to Phene Partners

We develop  innovative Impact investment partnerships to address system-wide needs and opportunities for governments and major eco-system partners.

Impact solutions, from the ground up​

We typically operate where a range of partners have agreed that innovative commercial investment is needed to better deliver an improved public-private good.

We start from the earliest concept stage, building the consortium, managing the feasibility studies, short-listing and appointing the investment manager, overseeing fund placement, hosting working meetings and dialogues, and ongoing reporting for the life of the Funds.

Our current focus – AfriGro Capital​

This new initiative is in collaboration with the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, UNCDF, the governments of Rwanda and Zambia, development agencies, private sector companies and financial institutions, all coming together to raise $1 billion dollars of catalytic, long-term finance to address food and nutrition security in Africa.  

A Green Agri-Infrastructure Fund and an AgriFoodTech Innovation Fund will form the initial basis of activity.

Critical climate and environmental challenges in Africa will be addressed by focusing on investments which both mitigate, and potentially reverse, adverse factors already in play, 

Our unique impact team - and approach​

We are impact entrepreneurs and relish the challenge of creating new sustainable ventures that can grow to scale.

Our team has a strong background in new venture creation (in agriculture innovation, education and housing), finance and private equity, whole systems development, and a range of public-private partnerships.

Our current geographic scope has a strong focus on Africa and Asia.

Core Principles​

Over the years we have come to recognize that certain attributes are vital to collaborative success in the Impact space. These are embedded in all we do.

  • Commercial rigour, honesty and transparency
  • Shared ambition and unified vision
  • A win-win approach to deal making
  • Excellence
  • Pragmatic decision-making
  • Ongoing dialogue and regular reiteration
  • Kindness and respect to people and the planet
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